Monday, August 3, 2009

wEdNesDaY-SaTuRDaY iN PeNaNG

Posted by Unknown | 11:13 PM Categories:
Entry ini adalah entry laporan aku ke Penang atas urusan kerja-> menganjurkan kursus. Dan entry ini adalah menyentuh sedikit luahan rasa.

Nak cerita perjalanan kursus, rasanya dah biasa. Semua tahu tentative program. Bertolak Rabu tengah hari yang sepatutnya kami bertolak 10.00 pagi. Sampai petang, setting seminar room. Esok mula aktiviti. Until Friday. Semuanya berjalan dengan lancar. Macam biasa menerima pujian dan terima kasih aku pada semua yang menjayakan; urus setia, speaker dan peserta. Alhamdulillah berjalan dengan baik atas izin Allah walaupun ada perkara yang tidak menyenangkan happen. Everything had been settle smoothly. Sabtu bertolak balik dalam tengah hari. Sepanjang perjalanan hujan dan kami perlu hati-hati. Sampai office 10.00 malam berdua dengan Ida terhegeh-hegeh mengangkut barang ke office yang menyeramkan diwaktu malam.

I feel I really miss the time with Kak Has. And so Kak Awie. Sorry to say young sister, but too many things that you have to learn especially learn how to listen and listening. I did realize, its easy to find people who always talking and talking and very impressive in complaining others, given comments and bla bla (this ada sikit kaitan with entry aKu YaNG BuRoKKK). But someone who is really beautiful from the inside is rarely to be find nowadays. Frankly speaking, I'm not a perfect person with a beautiful face and body shape. Inside mine, I did admit I'm quite a kind person who can still tolerate with others. But sometimes especially now, I felt this is my weakness as I can't even fight with a such difficult person to be tolerate. Especially for the young junior who came to work and learn something. Coz what I saw in their mind is not working to learn but working to enjoy, blaming others, gossip etc. Ego, with thinking that they are the best. Perfect in everything. Can't accept mistake and didn't admit their mistake. Blame and blame and thats make me felt so annoying.

And this time, I went to my past. Which I worked with Kak Has the most long duration. Person who always teaching me although sometimes stressing me with work. I just felt I work sincere and happy with her. No blaming instead correcting and teaching. Also Kak Awie who always work with sincere. No blaming but straight forward. Like a mom. Really miss the time that no argument. No stress. These are the people who is really BEAUTIFUL inside.
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